Which do you think is better?....?
2006-03-20 09:00:03 UTC
american football or rugby and why? personally i think rugby's 10 times better.
Twenty answers:
2006-03-20 09:04:57 UTC
rugby..every time! we don't need no padding we aren't girls!...
2006-03-21 16:47:42 UTC
American Football. I don't know about everyone else but Rugby seems a little bit confusing.
2006-03-20 19:56:13 UTC
Rugby is so much exciting to play.....but i do have a lot of respect for football, since it is a child of soccer to rugby to football. Rugby is a lot rougher, not because the lack of pads, but the action doesn't stop near as much a football, so there is a lot more the ref misses.......i had some girl stiff arm me in the throat, and kinda dig her nails, which should of been checked, bad ref, but i got her back. instead of tackling her when she ran by, i grabbed her ponytail and pull down, and let go, but that is the funniest thing in the world to watch some girl's head whip back......anyways.....i didn't get called for it either, cuz he said i let go almost immediately. he he. good ref. Football can be great, but Rugby out does any football game.
2006-03-20 17:45:22 UTC
Rugby is better than American football!!

And by rugby i suppose you mean rugby union which is far better than rugby league.

Rugby union is a more fluid and skillful sport than american football. in american football the only people of merit are the quaterback and the guy catching the ball. the rest of the people just run into each other.

In rugby there are many different skilled positions such as hooker, lock, flanker scrum half, fly half full back.

each requires its own skills.
2006-03-23 13:48:28 UTC
Rugby by a mile!

There are no breaks for adverts like in American Football so the pace of the game is better. It's tougher (just ask anyone getting tackled by a Springbok of South Africa!) and there are international games between countries instead of just club teams like in the NFL.
2006-03-24 10:16:57 UTC
nick the champ
2006-03-20 17:09:40 UTC
I think American Football is better spectator sports because the play stoppages and hitting. Its easier to follow.

I also think that rugby is much better sport for participation. The pace of play is great, and it really takes a great amount of physical and mental aptitude.
2006-03-21 22:16:23 UTC
Women's Rugby for sure. No helmets, no padding, no sissies. THe most protective gear we wear is a mouthguard. And we play in metal cleats! Think about that. Its the drive behind the sport.
2006-03-20 17:05:53 UTC
Rugby is more fun to watch...I give a lot of respect to those guys.
2006-03-20 17:17:20 UTC
I think american football is better because its more interesting and I understand it.
2006-03-20 17:05:03 UTC
American football is better for me because I understand it better.
2006-03-20 17:05:20 UTC
Rugby is stupid and has no point
2006-03-20 17:06:31 UTC
American football, it is more organized.
2006-03-26 13:33:00 UTC
I agree ruby way better I havt seen much of US football but of what I have seen it seems to be stop start where ruby flows more its better on the eye......
The Turk
2006-03-20 17:03:17 UTC
Real football is better!
2006-03-20 17:10:25 UTC
american football by far

it has more up's and downs to it,and it is more aggresive i think at least
2006-03-20 17:04:23 UTC
RUGBY IS THE BEST!!!!!! yeah !!
2006-03-20 17:01:21 UTC
I can't decide because I find both games boring.
2006-03-20 17:09:31 UTC
i think they are both boring sorry
2006-03-20 17:05:26 UTC
Neither one! :)

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