If rugby oonion is 'better' than rugby league, why have union apologists been signing ex-league players?
2006-03-22 17:47:46 UTC
Union clubs (including national teams) have been signing ex league players en-bloc for over ten years as ''defence'' and ''attack'' coaches. Shaun Edwards, :Bristol shoguns; Mike Ford, Ireland ''Defence'' coach. Phil Larder, England ''Rah-Rah'' defence coach. If union is so superior why do they sign ex league players and coaches to teach them how to defend and run angles of attack? Union has ''gone professional'' since being the subject of an Inland Revenue investigation, i.e, agreed to pay tax 18 months in to the investigation. From copying firework displays at super league matches & ''aping'' them at twickenham, to copying ''video ref'' analysis, sinbins and red cards.

One other point to ponder, when the ''masses'' play''rugby'' and a brawl erupts, they are all ''thugs''. When some public schoolboy plays ''rugby'' and the same occurs, they are lauded as patriotic chappies ''letting of steam''. It's as hypocrital and boring as it is nauseus. No wonder it's called kick & clap
Six answers:
2006-04-04 01:15:19 UTC
similar games-no argument.general skill level(not union or league specific skills),thru the age groups,is higher in level union players equal to their league counterparts who play in similar positions.Similar but different juice or orange juice?
2016-05-20 07:23:40 UTC
So this a statement as opposed to a question! Firstly let me say you're not helping the stereotype that league is only played by neanderthals (you may need to look that up) and half wits. Maybe it's all those shoulder charges to the head but may I suggest spending a little less time on the pitch and a little more in the classroom. As for which sport is better obviously this is a subjective issue that will never be settled, that said why not be democratic and let the people decide, like an election! Both sports have been around an equal amount of time and have both had a chance to gain popularity. The Rugby World Cup is the 3rd most watched sporting event in the world whereas the League World Cup doesn't even come in the top 10. Let's just look at England (one of only 3 countries league is played at any real level in) and Rugby Union has 1,182,602 registered male players. Rugby league has just 49,000 registered players in England and only 2000 over the age of 30. So the people have spoken and overwhelmingly consider Union to be a better sport. Solved!
2006-04-05 05:51:32 UTC
That has nothing to do with the game itself it has to do with how good the particular player is. If a player is good at rugby in general then it doesn't matter if they play league or union it just matters that they are good at what they do and the switch between the two is pretty easy. I'm sure that there are probably rugby union players that have gone across to league also.
2006-03-24 07:33:09 UTC
Easy!! Because League is WAY better than union!!
2006-03-24 20:39:50 UTC
LEAGUE: A game for Thugs, played by Gentlemen.

UNION: A game for Gentlemen, played by Thugs.
2006-03-31 22:58:03 UTC
haha now u tell me why league pinches so many union players in the junior ranks

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