Why is Rugby a weak sport?
2006-12-10 20:59:27 UTC
When I first saw rugby I was offended that such a sport existed. 2 months later I tryd out for a local team in my city. The rules of the game was very simpple and understandable, and at first it seem kinda fun but after shaking and baking and trucking them fuz with my american footbal skillz it was just to easy. They just tackle too high like little kids and thats why i alwayz end up trucking them down, and most times they just past the ball and have no running skillz what so ever dude. Please rugby fans admit rugby is gay.
22 answers:
Chris L
2006-12-12 14:49:52 UTC
First, if you think the "rules (laws) are very simple and understandable" you must be a freakin' genious, because everyone I know including myself takes some time to get used to them. I really doubt you were "shaking and baking and trucking them fuz" if you were even playing at all. Most rugby players don't tackle high, they're taught to tackle low to protect themselves and to be able to stand up quickly and steal the ball. This is the biggest problem I've had in changing as a collegiate American football player to playing rugby, I tackle much lower now than I ever did in high school or college football.

I'll never say either sport is gay, because I love them both, and both are a great time to play. As far as being in condition, and being tough, hands down the sport is rugby, but as far as speed and intelligence I have to go with american football. The sheer magntiude of both offensive and defensive schems and playbooks today is astounding. Film study is crucial, whereas with rugby no two games are alike, and there are few engineered plays, it is more of being in the moment and reacting instantly. Knowing where your teammates are, and filling the gap or sliding to cover the next player or holding back in support to run or to blow up the next ruck. I'll always follow college and professional football, but my days of American football are over, even though I'm sure I could make it on a local semi-pro team in the area, I'd rather play rugby, it's impossible to explain to someone like yourself who has obviously never played rugby and just posted this question to piss people off.
2016-03-29 06:44:31 UTC
Actually you are inccorect. The history is that the american ruby players almost killed each other playing rugby - that is why football was invented. Then they almost killed each other playing football thats when the pads came. The point is, the ide was to make a softer game, but the attempt failed. The games are just different. I prefer rugby because each player has to posess a greater skill set. There is no changing between offence and defence, you stay on the field and play both ways. I've played both, I am American and I prefer rugby. Neither is tougher as everyone here wants to propose about once a week (can you tell this discussion gets tired and annoying) they are simply different. It is just a matter of preference - STOP HATING - "HATERS" (If for some reason you do not know what a hater is the people who make these stupid "football is better than rugby" or "rugby is better than american football" posts once a week are haters) I've played both also. It's just different. The problem is that once a person becomes a accustomed to American culture (I was born here) they prefer sports where one person can be the star. Good rugby requires a team effort. NFL football requires a team but relies on a few stars. But imagine a defensive lineman having to kick and run the ball. Imagine if kickers had to tackle and be tackled. Why don't quarterbacks run the ball more? If they played rugby they would do all of that. Have you ever played football on a team where you had to play both offence and defence - I did and it seemed impossible at times, - but that is always the case in rugby. NFL rules have gotten softer and softer now. What happened to the days when you caould slam a quarterback - now you can't even touch him. I am gradually loosing interest in football because the game has gotten weaker over the past 15 years but I still like it (not to mention I am a Raiders fan and the sucked big time last year) If a person were really all that tough they would play both at the same time. That would impress me. There are two guys on the team I play for that play college football and rugby, that is impressive. Those are the people who not only really have skills, but have the right to tell me how tough they are.....
Closed Down
2006-12-13 07:32:10 UTC
I think you must have played union. Come over to the UK and try league. You will be amazed at the skills, the ferocity of three and four man tackles and the speed of the game. League playes play without padding they are hammered to the ground by four men and get up and play the ball immediatly and the game continues. Yes union is gay but rugby league is a different proposition. A unipon player would notlast ten minutes on a leagu pitch. I am so sorry you tried the wrong version of rugby. You could come over her or else nip down to Oz or New Zealand and I think they would win you over but you cannot wear any protection so leave that at home. League is a man's game.
Steven Kennedy
2006-12-11 06:42:35 UTC
All I want to say is americans footballers really can't say anything. You look at the all blacks play rugby and you can't say it is weak. Also what do american footballers play in. Tight trousers and massive pads. At least rugby players have the descancy to put otjher shorts over the top of the tight shorts. Also the padding in rugby Isn't really much.

One final thing I don't count blocking eachother so one guy can run and the other through a descent sport. There is hardly any skill inolved compared to rugby and the runners don't even get tackled. How womanly is that. And you call rugby a weak sport.
2006-12-13 07:03:30 UTC
Maybe the problem wasn't the game of rugby, maybe the people you played with just sucked. if you got some rugby player rfom another country and put them in pads and a helmet and gave them a football and said run it and the team you put them against sucked their post would sound about the same.

I've played linebacker and defensive end and have been learning rugby. They are vastly different and I more enjoy rugby, it's okay thet you don't. BUt to say the game is weak because you played with weak people is simply a showing that you have some ege disorder and probably suck at footbal so you were looking for some way to make yourself feel tougher by putting down rugby.

2006-12-11 15:28:28 UTC
You probably just played with a rubbish bunch. Get a group of skilled players and you'll see how great Rugby is. Yes there's quite a bit of passing but that's because as a general rule, you want to get the ball to the speedy little winger but sometimes the forwards will take it and ram straight through the other team.

So like I said, your lot were probably crap. Go watch it on TV and you'll see.
2006-12-10 21:06:19 UTC
Rugby is more rugged than football, Clyde.

Players are trying to strip the ball from the runner (sometimes breaking an arm or two), not tackle the runner.

There are no time outs, except for injuries; the action is usually non-stop except for line-outs and scrums when the ball is dead.

Stop playing against your local teams, and try playing against an international team like New Zealand. Remember, the Maories ate Magellan...
2006-12-11 03:09:57 UTC
The Main diffference between rugby and pussyball is that Rugby involves endurance, whereas pussyball is a series of short sprints until someone gets tired or meets another player... that they want to hug and embrace on the ground... plenty of butt slapping in timeouts.....

Rugby requires the ball to be passed backwards..... not just firing it up the line in a vain attempt to catch the ball in the end zone... thats the wimps way out.... take it on the full and barge your way up there......

More often than not.... it takes more than one player to take down the average forward... whereas in pussyball it takes one blocker..... not much of a defensive challenge is there???

And whats this issue with your lineouty things.... 21....32......56... hut hut hut.... yeah whatever.... one metric tonne of pressure in the average rugby scrum....... and you don't even hold posession that long... you scramble the ball out ASAP and don't make ground from the set play..... now THATs just stupid....

Why do so many american pussyballers feel so scared and frightened that it had to be passed as a rule that they have to wear hard protetive armour and helmets which are used to absorb shock and add bulk to your teeny weeny barbie players..... Any other self respecting sport takes this as a part of the fabric of the game and adds to the thrill..... there's no victory in winning a padded sport..... Awwwww did the ickle quarter back bang his knee.... awww there there..... dry your eyes....

try being stuck at the bottom of a ruck with 10 forwards on top of you or getting rucked out with a set of very sharp studs......

I think I rest my case!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!

(I'd love to see a hybrid... that would separate the men from the boys.... american football with no padding!!!!!!)
2006-12-10 21:03:56 UTC
you are an idiot. you don't understand it. you obviously never played on a well respected team with plays and such. football is rugby for bitches whodon't wanna get hurt. btw. it is illegal to tackle at the neck in rugby and I was taught to tackle low. I've played both and rugby is far superior and more exciting than football. tackling low is much easier and that is how you are taught on a good rugby team. you were offended because you suck.
Altus D
2006-12-11 03:26:56 UTC
I sudgest you look up the first 130kg prop in a bar after a bad game and inform him of your opinion. If, after you received the beating of your life, you are still able to stand, walk, talk and pad up in all the protective gear necessary to protect the "men" playing grid iron, you can safely claim rugby is a sport played by gays.

If not, you will most probably have changed you opinion or your face.
2006-12-12 08:29:23 UTC
please, i played your american football and your little idiots come running waving their arms around and try and tackle from the neck. one hand off and their clutching themselves and complaining how rough rugby is. american football is a pussy sport. go watch a real game of rugby. i gave out 4 concussions in one tournament, came out with a back eye and a cracked rib. when i was in michigan i taught your little football fans how to play rugby, gave them an *** whooping in it, then played football and gave them an *** whupping in their own sport. american football players arent even athletes, they play for 20 seconds and they have to take a break, catch a breath, have a little lie down, talk about life, and thats after one down.

please american football fans, admit american football is gay
2006-12-14 15:33:08 UTC
Helmets, Shoulder pads, A kicker and stops in the game every couple of minutes? What sport is gay?
2006-12-11 04:19:26 UTC
Sorry, although I don't see why I should apologise for your stupidity and illiteracy, but it's clear from this that you're either lying through your teeth about trying to play rugby, or did actually go to the local mini rugby club for under 7s.
2006-12-11 13:04:01 UTC
american football is a fag sport ,played by a bunch of fairies.they wear all that gear cause they so scared of getting hurt.shame.....what a bunch of sissies.whenever they score a touchdown they rub eachothers asses.back in the changing rooms they parade around in their g-strings while singing along to the villiage people.
2006-12-12 15:10:52 UTC
The word is simple, not simpple. Kinda like you mate!
billy bob45438973467854697843698
2006-12-13 00:25:39 UTC
hey mate **** you you pussy yank i dont care who reports me for abuse your a ********. rugby is the reason that your pussy game is even alive. would you call your own father GAY?!?!? has someone broken their neck and spine in an nfl tackle??? to much pussy ******* padding i presume!! yopu think that rugby is pussy well fly to new zealand and play there. you wont have a single thought of rugby being pussy (youll have them beaten out of you)
Barney B
2006-12-11 01:31:28 UTC
I will organise you a game against the likes of Jerry Collins, Brain Lima, Richie McCaw etc. After the game we will see who's gay and who's not
2006-12-10 21:03:44 UTC
I will clock you, clothes line you, knock the wind out of you if you ever came close to me in rugby and I don't even play it.
The Git!
2006-12-10 21:08:14 UTC
you play American football & you think rugby is gay come on!

The peolpe you play with can't play.

who are the ****@t's that wear padding or armour in their game(Tarts in Kevlar)!...............Hmmmmm....

The game is to be appreciated(Rugby)
2006-12-10 21:03:32 UTC
at least we don,t have to dress up in stupid ouitfits and if you have played rugby league you wouldn,t be saying that...
2006-12-11 12:56:27 UTC
aaaah pls...ani1 who thinks rugby is gay must be gay because then they see the "gay" in everything!
2006-12-11 04:23:19 UTC
Rugby is gay and they hit like sissies. No wonder they don't wear any padding.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.