Rugby League or Rugby Union?
Neil the Hat
2006-04-05 07:18:43 UTC
There can only be one! Unless you hate them both, but I'm not asking you. Is there really anyone out there who can love each equally?
Eleven answers:
2006-04-05 18:15:25 UTC
Well I like them both. Especially when the kiwis gave the aussies some competition last year. Finally. Made the game more interesting. I like both the super 14 and NRL comps. I think League is more physical than Rugby. Rugby has more skills with the scrums, rucks and mauls etc. Some good sh"t all around I reckon.

Oh and Go the HURRICANES and come on the warriors
2006-04-07 06:33:39 UTC
Rugby League

Enough said
2006-04-05 15:13:12 UTC
I'm guessing no. I find Rugby League boring compared to the hard-hitting action of Rugby Union.
2006-04-05 21:07:34 UTC
Rugby Union by far
2006-04-06 06:42:07 UTC
League by a long way.Much faster more structured than scrambling, the ball is in play more, more skill in league at the moment a far as individual players go which is why the ARU for instance is trying to buy the big names.Who are the big names in Union - Sailor, Tuquiri, Rogers.Now they ant Gasnier!Need I say more? If Benji Marshal says it's boring - it's boring.Give me a break union lovers.
2006-04-07 11:50:13 UTC
Some one wrote hard hitting rugby union you must be joking league all the way faster and more entertaining!!
2006-04-05 16:50:18 UTC
For me Union is the more complete game. There is room for more different physical types: the short compact scrum half, the rangy fast running wings, the towering locks and the powerful props. For me that's part of the charm of the union code - there are fewer set piece situatuions in league and the emphasis is on strong fast running tackle breaking players only.
2006-04-06 16:33:46 UTC
rugby union 100%. i love playing rugby union and i think its a faster paced sport. also, i hate league scrums. whats the point?
2006-04-06 07:24:12 UTC
On ya gong u let em know mate,league is the best game of all.Always chasing after our players,why would that be ay?Id say it would be to make ur game a more watchable as league players bring skill into ya game and get us league fans watching ya game as our boys have been snatched from under our grasp.LOL.but saying that now honestly i dont mind union, but leagues quicker & better."go the ROOSTERS"
2006-04-05 15:12:38 UTC
Not me, I like Union & amateurism.
♥ pot-black
2006-04-06 02:22:36 UTC
Im an NRL girl. Go the Dragons :P

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