Why do people in wheelchairs insist on buying shoes? What's the point?
2006-04-05 22:16:41 UTC
Is it just me, or is it kind of pointless for a cripple to buy shoes in he uses a wheelchair. I mean, its not like hes walking around. its like a bling kid buying a tetris game. Why do they do it? Is it to look normal or because theyre comfy? can they even feel the shoes down there?

my friend Ted said they need to get a real pair of legs, thats pretty mean =(
Seven answers:
Mike The Mentalist
2006-04-06 07:13:54 UTC
I too have wondered why blind people wear sun glasses?
2006-04-05 22:41:32 UTC
Folks in wheelchairs need shoes for the same reason you do - protect their feet.

Bare feet in wheelchairs can get lots of cuts and scrapes, bad news if you have physical problems where your legs aren't strong.

Whether your feet feel pain when cut or scraped, or feel shoes when there on, depends on why you're in a chair. Sometime a person's legs are just weak (like a ex-football player I knew, whose knees basically wore out years after he stopped playing). Sometimes theres paralysis, without any feeling. That's a big problem - if a wound get infected, the infection could get bad without knowing it.

And your friend Ted should donate a leg for transplant. If not, he could shut his mouth, which would also be nice.

2006-04-07 02:04:31 UTC
I am in a wheelchair I can't feel or move my feet. if I get a cut or a bruise on my foot it can take months to heal. I also am like anyone else I want to look as good as I can. I guess it's like people paying $100.00+ for basketball shoes when they have never seen the inside of a gym.
2006-04-07 16:51:14 UTC
This isn't an answer but I just want to say just because people are in a wheelchair doesn't mean they can't feel their feet. So yes they can feel their shoes unless they're paraplegic but most of them aren't. (isn't your question kind of the same as asking why they wear pants?)
Icehockey Fan 99
2006-04-07 08:07:00 UTC
To keep your feet warm

To stop yourself from cutting your feet

Why can't disabled people be fashionable
2006-04-05 22:45:55 UTC
Your rude...its the same reason people put shoes on babies that cant walk....why should they be treated any differently
2006-04-06 20:13:39 UTC
ur friend ted is a jerk lol. anyway, maybe they can get a Regeneration spell cast on them by aa druid =) im jk lol but idk, it seems kinda like they dont need them. do people without arms buy gloves? lol

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