Any one play?
2006-04-15 05:33:12 UTC
Any one play?
Eighteen answers:
2006-04-16 10:58:09 UTC
Watch but 7s only - short and helps my atd
2006-04-16 07:45:12 UTC
I play. I have played for Tulsa, Oklahoma City and the Springdale Rugby Football Clubs. They are part of the Ozark Region. The position I started off playing was Winger, but I have played most of the others positions except for the piggies. I perfer to play outside center which is alot more fun and allows me to hit more often. By the way, this is the hubby for okiecwgrl26
2006-04-15 14:23:54 UTC
Yeah, I do. I play professional. You want to learn rugby? It is a incredible sport and the only one that you have to pass backwards to your team mates. It is quite similar to american football in ball wise. The balls are the same shape nearly. I kick and I love it because it is so satisfying. The rules are not easy to explain. There are too many but you will learn it eventually as you play it. If you want to learn rugby. It is probably a good idea to hire a coach and begin first by playing touch rugby.
Lamb Chop
2006-04-19 16:23:04 UTC
No, I'm afraid. The reasons are many, allow me to begin:

1) I am fat

2) I get out of breath easily

3) I do not understand the game

4) I do not like the game

5) I am usually drunk if I'm awake

6) I prefer eating Chinese food and playing my Xbox

7) I am a ghost

8) I have a wooden leg

9) I am blind

10) I am only 18mths old

Sorry about that..

I play guitar pretty well though.

Ten points, please.
2006-04-19 10:26:24 UTC
I used to play for Ebbw Vale now im a referee
2006-04-15 20:19:48 UTC
I use to play for years i was the fullback on my team and it was great, a great way to meet good friends and play a great sport, my teams: All blacks and " Los Pumas" from my great country Argentina..
2006-04-15 12:36:44 UTC
Yes i love it im a number 8, and i play for my school and my local team.
2006-04-16 07:50:39 UTC
Depends which code, I used to play league, stand off. I prefer league, but don't mind either code. My two teams are Wigan & sale.
2006-04-21 16:58:18 UTC
Lamb Chop you've just described the starting 15 for my local New Jersey (USA) team.
2006-04-16 17:44:18 UTC
I use to play.I even played club rugby while I was in my final year in school. It`s tough and very exiting. My position was left wing or mostly scrumhalf.
2006-04-16 03:21:18 UTC
I play outside-center for my highschool team, so much fun to play, it's intense.
2006-04-18 01:48:22 UTC
Play is an understatement. I play #13 for our univirsity and eat, breathe, sleep, and play rugby!!!!!
louise r
2006-04-15 12:36:46 UTC
My mum says i cannot play with strangers
2006-04-15 12:36:34 UTC
play what?
2006-04-21 19:53:02 UTC
i always wanted a wooden leg

but no really, i would like to play
Bill(56 yrs old)
2006-04-15 12:38:56 UTC
I watch. My eldest daughter is in the first team (ladies) at her University.
2006-04-15 12:38:53 UTC
Sorry my mammy won't let me out today cause i've been a naughty boy !!!
2006-04-15 12:36:20 UTC
Only watch.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.